Lets dissect this term to get to the root of the matter.
Phobia /ˈfoʊbiə/ [foh-bee-uh]
Noun: Psychiatry -An abnormal intense and irrational fear of a given situation, organism, or object.
Let's first assume that one is fearful of all that is islamic....
How irrational is it really?
One can open the paper, turn on the tv or spark up the browser and be confronted with some atrocity done in the name of islam.
Honour Killings
Oh and Here
Ad nauseam....
Terrorist Attacks
1 of Many
2 of Many
3 of Many
4 of Many
Even threats of such coming over he wire....
Like This One
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Quick Bit
Child Brides
Should I Go On?
Being Stoned As A Punishment
Punished For Being A Rape Victim
Victim Gets Punished
Supposed Clarification For The Above
These are but a few examples of the many many atrocities committed in the name of islam. So to consider it an 'irrational fear' and label a person who protests islam an 'islamophobe' is a misnomer.
I believe it to be a justifiable fear. 9/11 victims, UK, Spain, India and Pakistan Metro victims etc. Who is to say that it couldn't or wouldn't happen again? (What is abnormal about it?) The people who align themselves with the ideology known as islam were the ones behind it, logic would dictate that islamists are capable of violence. Irrational? Abnormal? Not at all. THEY are the abnormal ones.
However, I would add.... I do not think to fear them is the right way. For argument's sake on the term 'islamophobia' it was necessary to demonstrate.
I think a vocal opposition to impositions created by them is the way to go. Oppose their imposition of Sharia law onto your land. Oppose their demands for special privileges on all things. Oppose and REFUSE to cave in. Because as they say,
'If you let the camel poke his nose into your tent, pretty soon you will find yourself asleep outside the tent and the camel comfortably inside.'
Refuse and Resist.
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Well said, Hobo! The answer is not to cower and capitulate, it is to stand up and refuse to be dominated by savage lunatics.